
Why Do So Many People Go into IT?

In 2024, it feels like almost every other person is starting or has started a career in Information Technology. Why is it so popular? Does it mean that anyone can enter this career with ease? Well, the answers are yes and no. Yes, anyone can. And no,...
May 6, 2024

Useful Skills Everyone Should Master

In the modern world, where competition in the job market is constantly increasing, it becomes more challenging to demonstrate one's expertise and professionalism. Every person striving for success and career growth should be able to prove and defend...
May 7, 2024

Entrepreneurship vs. Management: Why Starting a Business Doesn't Always Lead to Wealth

There is a common misconception that having your own business equals success. However, the fact that there are still people who choose not to start a business proves otherwise.Many people are too naive or blind to see the concerning statistics. Accor...
May 8, 2024

Remote or Office: Imagine Your Future Workplace

Seeking a job isn’t an easy task. I’m not only talking about resumes, interviews, and other stressful things, but also about the formats of work and companies. Before applying for a position, it’s hard to evaluate what the company is like, how it tre...
May 14, 2024

8 Resume Mistakes

Today, the job market is highly competitive, so the search for employment resembles a battlefield. In such an environment, your resume is a powerful weapon. You want your resume to be more than just a piece of paper; you want it to act as a magnet fo...
May 16, 2024

Startup: the Perfect Place to Begin Your Top Manager Career

For many people who consider themselves great leaders and aspire to build a strong, successful career, management is the best choice. It requires good leadership and communication skills, knowledge of the company's field, responsibility, and dedicati...
May 17, 2024

How is a video resume helpful for me?

Video resume - is an ultimate method of presenting yourself to an employer. It can help you to stand out among all the candidates who still rely on written resumes. Creating a video resume will allow you to showcase your personality much better than...
May 21, 2024

Find a Job Quickly: is it Possible?

Job seeking is a challenging and nerve-wracking process. You never know how long it can take and what result you will get. Ask your friends and family about their experience in seeking a job and you’ll never hear two similar stories. Some people spen...
May 21, 2024

Navigating Background Checks as a Job Seeker

Seeking a job is a long and tiring process. Most people have to go through several stages before receiving an offer. You write your resume, apply for several positions, go on numerous interviews, and feel nervous all the time. From the employer's per...
May 23, 2024

How to Stand Out Among All the Candidates

Have you ever waited too long for a reply after sending your resume? Have you sometimes been left without a response?Well, in fact, it is quite common. Job search platforms are becoming more of an archive than an effective tool for finding mutually b...
May 27, 2024

What Information to Disclose to a Potential Employer?

Now is the time of a well-developed economy which leads to a highly competitive labor market. This means that each person looking for a job has more than a hundred other applicants for the same position. Being in such a condition is very stressful, s...
May 28, 2024

How Do Companies Hire Employees?

The American economy has grown. This means that numerous industries host a multitude of businesses. New enterprises are continuously being founded, creating new job opportunities for employees. Every month, millions of people begin searching for empl...
May 28, 2024