Ayla Harveyuhired team
May 27

How Can Video Resume Optimize Recruitment Process in My Company

The hiring process isn’t easy. It takes a lot of time, effort, and even more expenses. We are here to tell you about the most effective solution to these problems - video resume.

The labor market today is highly developed and continues to develop every day. This means new positions and hundreds of new candidates emerge regularly. Why, then, do some companies struggle to find great employees for months? There are several problems.

One of these problems is the approach that current job search services follow. They have their points for fast and easy communication with candidates from around the country and even the world. Nevertheless, the format they provide is very strict and totally controlled. Candidates write similar resumes, filling in the forms. There is no opportunity to show yourself. Plus, some of the candidates understand the situation and write myths about their work experience and skills. As a result, it becomes challenging to evaluate whether the information provided is truthful or not. But there are more issues to consider…

  • A video resume can help companies reduce time and money spent on the hiring process
  • Current approaches to recruitment are no longer effective and need to be reviewed
  • Modern recruitment also demonstrates a low level of effectiveness

Recruiting issues

You’ve received a hundred resumes applying for the position. The next step is a screening interview, right? Well, yes, but do we really need them? It’s good to have an experienced recruiter on your team. But if you don’t, it will be your responsibility to spend hours on phone and video calls.

Plus, screening interviews show a low level of effectiveness. 49% of the candidates won’t be able to talk, so you’ll have to call them back again later. Another 27% will be too nervous to present themselves correctly. That leaves you with only one-fourth suitable at the moment. But is there ‘The One’ you’re searching for, or they have already been left behind? Difficult to say…

Screening interviews

Perhaps you have a good, experienced recruiter. However, other problems arise. Recruiters are professionals in recruiting, but what about other spheres? Can recruiters truthfully evaluate abilities of a candidate applying for a position in mobile application development or landscape design? How much do they know about other work fields? How do they know what questions to ask? General questions like “Why do you want to work in our company?” don’t always reveal much.

Another common problem recruiters often face is the number of applicants. All screening interviews are recorded. A recruiter might have 20 phone interviews in a row, leaving 5 acceptable candidates. How much does the recruiter remember about the first candidate they called, apart from the fact that the person was okay? It may lead to two different situations:

  • The recruiter has to come back and listen to the recorded interview again to recall all the information. Doing it more than once takes too much time.
  • If a recruiter is not very experienced, they might rely on the impression they got. A later impression is stronger, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better. Thus, a company can lose a great candidate.
  • Only 25% of people who undergo screening interviews are available for further evaluation
  • Recruiters and HR managers are so overloaded with candidates that it is almost impossible to remember individuals based solely on written resumes and screening calls
  • Inexperienced recruiters may overlook a great candidate initially and then overhype others later in the process

How can video resume make it better

Video resume by uhired is a variation of a resume in which people record their answers to relevant questions for a desired position in a certain work field. This variation has a number of advantages:

  • Every video resume is unique because each person is unique.
    They may talk about the same skills, but the ways they do it are different. An individual’s personality means a lot, and a video can help you evaluate if the candidate is a fit for your team or not.
  • Candidates won’t be able to deceive you.
    Through a video resume, you can understand that the person who is talking about great communication skills but cannot articulate their thoughts correctly is likely embellishing their abilities.
  • A professional attitude toward work is essential.
    When a person talks about things they are passionate about, it will show. Do they really like what they do? Are they competent enough? The specific questions candidates answer will help you realize this.
  • They do it because they can.
    No more delayed calls and awkward conversations. Candidates record their videos thoughtfully, with all the dedication and effort.

All these advantages can help you recognize the best applicants immediately and not overlook them. Stars shine bright. However, that is not all. There is also a practical use.

  • Personality shines through in a video resume, offering a clearer view of the candidate
  • Evaluating a candidate's true abilities is much easier with a video resume
  • Instead of calling candidates and making them nervous, it's better to review their fully prepared video resumes

What are the benefits?

A video resume is not only about an individual approach. Using it, you will also benefit a lot. Let’s see how video resumes solve problems you may face every time.

Time is an important investment.

We’ve already mentioned how much time it takes to find a suitable employee from the beginning to the end. With video resumes, every stage of the recruitment process will be faster. Generally speaking, you combine written resumes and screening interviews to get one effective method.

  • You make first contact with a candidate before the first in-person interview. Without having to look through all those written, soulless texts, you’ve already read many times before, you save time for a more detailed evaluation. You won’t have to make phone calls or conduct online interviews and listen to recordings - you have a better version of both.
  • Candidates record videos with chapters. Each chapter is another question they answered. This makes navigation much easier and faster. You can watch a particular part again, when you need it later.
  • Irrelevant candidates lying about their skills and experience won’t be able to consume your time with an in-person interview. One minute is enough to evaluate them through a video resume.

Hiring process is expensive.

Statistics show that the recruitment process typically lasts between 3 and 6 weeks, and this is just the initial phase. The training and adjustment period for a new employee are estimated to be around 6 months. Consequently, it will take half a year to see the first significant profit from hiring a new employee, with the average hiring expenses ranging from $4,000 to $20,000, excluding the salary.

  • You won’t have to hire a professional recruiter if you don't have one in your company. In a video resume, candidates answer specific questions relevant to their position and reveal enough information for you to evaluate their capabilities yourself.
  • If you have a team of recruiters, their work will become much more effective with a video resume. They will be able to accomplish more in a shorter period of time. They save time on the process and reduce expenses on the hiring process.

uHired shows the way

uHired is a platform where we help employers and applicants find each other. Our video resumes are unique because we have more control over the recording process. Candidates fill in their profile, and based on the information they provide, our AI creates a list of relevant questions. Candidates record videos answering them.

We help candidates find the best jobs, so we'll also help you find the best employees.