Career Insights
May 29, 2024I Want to Quit: Should I Tell My Employer?
This is a question many people may ask themselves, especially if they are quitting for the first time. The desire to quit a job is a natural part of the employee life cycle. There may be many reasons why you have come to this conclusion: poor leadership, low salary, unpleasant colleagues, the monotony of doing the same thing for years. However, you must inform your current employer that you are quitting at least

I Want to Quit: Should I Tell My Employer?

How to Quit and Still Get a Good Reference

UK 4-Day Workweek Proves Effective: Should the US Hope for It?

Will I Be Replaced by AI? Who's at Risk?

Remote Work: Ensuring a Comfortable Life but Hindering Soft Skills Development for Career Advancement
Remote work is gradually becoming more popular and desirable among workers. This is completely understandable, given its many advantages. In this article, we will examine both the advantages and disadvantages of remote work, consider their impact on career advancement opportunities, and draw our own conclusions on the matter.

Burnout: What Do I Do?
Increased irritability, chronic fatigue, lack of motivation, apathy—these symptoms are the main signs of burnout. According to statistics, 89% of employees have experienced them. In today's article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and methods of dealing with burnout.

How to Achieve a Leadership Role
We have put together a collective portrait of an effective leader and gathered advice to help you advance to this position. Our answer to the question "How to become a leader?" is to work diligently and effectively. Working hard and effectively means certain actions, tools, and skills. That's what we want to talk about.

Impostor Syndrome: Awareness and Overcoming
Over the past 20 years, there have been periodic publications about Impostor Syndrome. In this article, we will examine what the syndrome is, the reasons for its emergence and development. We will also explain how it manifests, its potential dangers, how to live with it, and whether it is possible to get rid of it. Most importantly, we will discuss why it is important to be aware of it.

How to Manage Work Conflicts
An impending conflict manifests itself through specific symptoms. Our article discusses these signs, as well as the types of workplace conflicts and how to handle them. We will also talk about the methods used to resolve conflict situations and how to turn them to the advantage of employees.

10 In-Demand Professions: Future Career Trends
New roles require new skills and approaches to succeed. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, machine learning, and more are now shaping the job market. In this article, we will discuss some of the future in-demand professions. We’ll examine the skills they require and the responsibilities they entail, helping you understand what working in these fields would look like.

Breaking Down the Gender Pay Gap: Myths and Realities
In 2024 American women earned 83 cents for every dollar earned by men. This is where the misconceptions begin. Uncontrolled data compare all men and all women regardless of occupation, experience, education, etc. When the data are controlled, meaning that they compare a man and a woman doing the same job, having the same education level, years of experience, and so on, the difference is 0.01 dollars.

Why Do So Many People Go into IT?
In 2024, it feels like almost every other person is starting or has started a career in Information Technology. Why is it so popular? Does it mean that anyone can enter this career with ease? Well, the answers are yes and no. Yes, anyone can. And no, not with ease.