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June 3

What Should You Know about the Company to Make the Right Choice?

Job searching is a complicated process, consisting of several significant steps that a person must take to reach the finish. One of these steps is applying to different companies. There are various ways to do this, and each method can lead to a different result.

How do you apply?

Some people apply to every job opening for the position they want. This approach often leads to a shorter search period and more interviews but results in shorter tenures at companies. These individuals are ready to work for the first company that offers them a job and don't consider the conditions, benefits, or their own desires. This often results in dissatisfaction and early resignation.

Other people choose a completely opposite approach and apply to one company at a time. They wait for an interview invitation, sometimes go through several rounds, and often spend a month or more only to be rejected. Then, they start over. This approach is best for those who are job searching without having left their previous position. However, if you don’t have a job or your time is limited, you may want to choose a more effective strategy.

The third approach is a mix of the previous two and is, in our opinion, the best one, although it is not very popular among job seekers. We are here to change that.

We recommend not knocking on every door or going through them in a specific order, but rather choosing the ones that suit you best. How can you choose without opening them? What should you look for? In this article, we’ll provide you with advice on speeding up your job search by choosing the right companies to apply to.

Don’t judge by the cover

Don’t judge by the cover

Whether it's Netflix or Meta, the popularity and size of a company do not guarantee that it will suit you well. Some people thrive in big companies: they enjoy having everything in order, find it easy to communicate with dozens of people every day, and have no issue with working in the same position for several years.

But there are others: those who need to use their creative side, who want to have control over the product, and who value being more than just one of hundreds in a team. They would be much happier and more productive working in a startup.

Bigger doesn’t always mean better, so don’t jump in without knowing the details.

The face of the company

The face of the company

What might it be? Of course, it’s their website. In fact, it can provide you with important information such as the company’s mission and goals, the industry and specialization it operates in, and the products they create.

Besides the information written on the website, the way it looks is also very meaningful. For example, would you work for a social media marketing company if their website looks like it was created in the days of Windows '95? Or for an IT company if there are lots of bugs and lagging? This is something you should always consider.

A modern company that understands the needs and ambitions of its employees, and that follows modern procedures and policies, would not have an embarrassingly old and poorly functioning website in the first place.

Ask for an opinion

Ask for an opinion

There are plenty of websites dedicated to helping you learn more about the company from different perspectives. These websites typically fall into two types: customer reviews and reviews from current and former employees.

By looking at customer feedback, you can evaluate how fair and serious the company is, how it approaches its clients, and the quality of its products. This helps you understand whether you trust the company or not, as someone who works for this audience.

Employee reviews may provide even more valuable information. Typically, people complain about the disadvantages of the company they've worked for. Nonetheless, positive feedback also occurs. Reading these comments can give you a clear vision of the atmosphere within the company, employee relationships with each other, and their relationship with management.

Reviews also help to avoid scams, the leaking of private information, and other dangers.

Google them

Google them

Check the company’s and the company chiefs’ social media. Google their names, search on Reddit, and so on. This will not only be fun, as it usually is, but will also provide a view of them in a less formal environment.

If you can find several mentions of the employer on Reddit, consider how big of a red flag this is for you.

Knock on the back door

Knock on the back door

Try to reach some of the employees in the department you want to work in. You’re lucky if you know someone who knows the sister of one of the workers. Alternatively, you can look on LinkedIn.

No matter how you find them, the insight they might provide you with is invaluable. It’s the best addition to review services you could ever find.

Interview the interviewer

Interview the interviewer

When you come to an interview, you are not the only one being evaluated. Pay close attention to the interviewer’s questions, behavior, and language. Some people don’t notice the red flags right in front of their faces during the interview and end up disappointed. To avoid their mistakes, be very attentive.

If an interviewer is rude, offensive, shows any kind of discrimination, comments on your appearance, or pressures you, it's better to look for another place to work. There is a chance that this particular HR manager is not really professional. But most of the time, it clearly indicates how the company operates, what behavior is common for them, and how they build relationships.

Take a look at the restroom

Take a look at the restroom

If your interview is conducted in person, always ask for permission to visit the restroom. While it may seem inappropriate or even rude, it is essential to form an opinion about the company and how it values its employees.

A restroom can reveal a lot to you. Since this place is undoubtedly important for everybody, it has to be clean and comfortable. If an employer is unable to provide employees with basic needs, it’s hard to imagine what is going on with benefits and personal rights.

Choose a mentor

Choose a mentor

The company itself (its size, location, even the product) is not as important as the manager. Your immediate superior is the person you will look to, follow, and they should be a great mentor.

So, when choosing a company to work for, look for a mentor from whom you would gladly learn. Don’t be afraid of a strict but fair approach. A manager is not needed if they don’t evaluate your work and let you make the same mistakes over and over.

"Choose wisely" is an approach suitable for anything. But almost nobody tells us what is wise and what is not. Tips from this article are collected here to give you a clearer vision of the difficult question of job hunting. By following this advice, you’ll draw a line between yourself and the dream job you are looking for.