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July 2

AI in Daily Life and Its Application in Job Search

The world is changing at a speed never seen before, and staying completely up-to-date with everything going on is nearly impossible. Take artificial intelligence, for example. It's been a topic of discussion for about forty years now. However, it's only in the last five years or so that it has become widely recognized as a trend.

Graham Duggan

When did you realize that AI is everywhere? It impacts our lives, both positively and negatively, reshaping our daily routines. In this article, we'll explore the history of AI, examine how it has evolved into an indispensable tool, and discuss its potential positive applications in the job search process.

What it used to be

Early AI efforts used symbolic reasoning and neural networks, setting the stage for future advances. These were just the seeds. Not much later, people were already encountering search engines, recommendation systems, and spam filters. It began long before most people understood what "artificial intelligence" really meant. Over time, AI has grown rapidly with breakthroughs in areas like machine learning and natural language processing. About fifteen years ago, people started using AI voice assistants like Siri, Cortana, Alexa, and others. It was around this time that smartphones became widespread, bringing AI literally into our hands. Since then, the number of tools equipped with AI has grown exponentially.

  • The world is changing so rapidly, it is hard to be aware of everything technology is capable of right now
  • It all started with primitive calculating and speech recognition and developed into an irreplaceable tool
  • It’s been fifteen years or so since most people started using AI without even knowing what it is

Is everything AI now?

Most of the time, we don’t even realize we are using AI or AI-based tools. Here are some examples of services, apps, and devices that use or have variations with built-in artificial intelligence:

  1. Recommendations. Netflix was one of the first companies to implement AI on their platform to enhance user experience satisfaction. All recommendations and personalized rankings on the service are created by processing vast amounts of data. The same applies to search engines, ads, and music apps like Spotify.
  2. Smart kitchen. It’s a collection of various kitchen equipment that may include AI, such as smart fridges that detect when food is spoiled; kettles where you can schedule hot water every morning at the same time for tea or coffee; multicookers and ovens that know what, when, and how to cook, and much more.
  3. Smart homes. They feature innovations like voice-activated lighting systems that adjust settings upon command; robotic vacuum cleaners, designed to learn your home’s layout; smart beds, equipped with sensors, that provide personalized sleep advice, enhancing rest quality. These advancements streamline daily tasks while adapting to individual lifestyles.
  4. Filtering. This includes automatic sorting of unwanted emails into spam folders, using content filters on social media platforms to block inappropriate posts, enabling 'safe search' features on search engines to filter explicit content, and setting up parental controls on devices to limit access to age-inappropriate apps and websites.
  5. Useful apps. They cover everything from writing, education, finance, fitness, and eating habits to time management, safety measures, traveling, and much more.

These are just some examples of how people use AI every day, getting used to its operations and benefits. In reality, wherever you look, you'll see how far it has come.

  • Most online services with search engines, personalized recommendations, and filtering use artificial intelligence
  • Smart homes can elevate your experience to another level, with AI playing the role of a handy helping neighbor
  • In general, apps and services using AI are everywhere, in every aspect of our lives

Implementing AI into job search

Now that AIs are much smarter and capable of simplifying numerous processes – from setting alarms and translating languages to writing scientific books and operating your home – it's no wonder the job search process has been affected too. It's worth taking a closer look at the stages of the job-seeking process to discover how you can benefit from using AI software.

AI Resume Building

It’s been a while since resume builders became the norm for most people. Fill out forms, download a PDF file with a fancy design, and that’s it! What else could you ask for? Well, how about some help?

Modern resume builders equipped with AI are capable of much more than a PDF editor. Based on their database and the minimal information you provide, they suggest relevant skills to add, write a comprehensive experience description and professional summary, and advise on templates that can pass ATS. These features are especially useful for young graduates, who may not be as familiar with the process as more experienced workers, or for those who worked for one company for a decade and are now completely lost with how things have changed.

A bit of advice: regardless of how smart AI is, try to avoid using the text it offers exactly as it is. Sooner or later, it starts giving similarly structured answers, so it’s better to proofread everything you take from it.

  • AI in resume building usually plays the role of a co-writer for the summary or work experience descriptions
  • Some AIs are also capable of advising suitable skills for the skills section
  • It’s better to avoid copying AI’s generated answers word for word and always proofread the results

AI Video Resume

A video resume is a relatively new format for presenting yourself to an employer, combining elements of a traditional written resume and an in-person interview. Using AI to complete it is an even more unique and innovative approach, and it's really easy to use.

In video resume recording, AI usually plays the role of scriptwriter. However, there is an improved version that allows for recording more personalized videos. Based on the provided information, this AI generates specific questions, and the answers to these questions form the video resume. This is particularly useful for individuals who struggle with structuring the video or tend to lose their train of thought easily. It also allows for creating different variations of the video to match the job description more closely.

A bit of advice: AI helps you sound good, but it doesn't help you look good. Appearance is important too. When you record a video resume, ensure the lighting is optimal, your face is clearly visible, and your attire looks clean and neat. This is not something to neglect.

  • A video resume itself is an innovative tool for job seeking
  • AI in a video resume is a unique approach, combining the advantages of both by providing detailed instructions and a script
  • When recording a video resume, both what you say and how you look are important, so ensure your attire is appropriate and neat

AI Search

Aren’t you tired of endless job opening listings? There are so many that they all start to blur together after a couple of hours. They just start looking the same. How are people supposed to choose from them and be sure the job suits them? In this case, AI search is exactly what we need.

Just imagine how satisfying it is to know that the most suitable job openings for your resume are already at the top! What is it if not a dream come true? However…

A bit of advice: the ranking is based on how well the keywords in your resume match the keywords in the job description. To make the ranking more precise, it’s better to tailor your resume to one of the top-ranked jobs. The next tool on this list will help you do that.

  • Endless job listings are exhausting for many
  • Advanced AI search solves many problems by offering smart search, with the best job openings appearing at the top
  • Typically, AI search is based on the resume, so before using it, ensure that your resume is well-done

AI Customization

Customizing your resume specifically to each job opening is an essential element of the job search that many wrongfully ignore. Many recruiters believe that the biggest mistake a candidate can make is not tailoring their resume to the job description. This is due to several reasons:

  1. ATS checkers are pretty much all the same – they compare a job opening to a resume by keywords. So, even if your resume is great, its words and terms might differ from those in the description, resulting in a negative response from the ATS.
  2. An experienced HR professional will always see when someone has read the job opening and emphasized the skills and experiences required, versus when it is just a form filled out and sent to everyone. Of course, this affects their attitude towards a candidate.
  3. It is useful for you as well. When you apply to 10 job openings with the same resume, it’s hardly possible to remember everything employers are looking for to prepare for an interview. When you tailor your resume, a quick look-through is enough to remember what the company is about and what their job description and requirements are. Such things matter a lot.

So, what’s with AI? Most of them do the same thing as ATS checkers. But instead of removing you from the candidate list, AI customizers provide you with detailed instructions on what keywords to add, what structure to follow, and how to stand out among other candidates with the information you include.

A bit of advice: even though we recommend tailoring your resume and applying with a different version, there is a small trap you should be aware of. When you save a new version of your resume, name it whatever you want. However, when you apply, it’s better to make a copy and name it something similar to [FirstLastNameResume].

  • Customizing your resume to a specific job description is crucial
  • Doing so with AI is much simpler because it knows exactly what you need to change
  • Pay attention not to send a PDF file named [resumeforcompanyname]; try to stick to using your full name

Find it on uHired

The best part about all these AI features is that they will be all available on uHired, waiting for launch. Start exploring all our AI features designed for your comfort and efficient job search in a while.